
Bachelor degree of Medical

"To become a medical degree program with an international reputation with excellence in the integration of medicine and Islam in education, research and community service."

  1. To provide fair access to a quality medicine education for people at large
  2. To improve quality and superior research based on integration between medical science and Islam
  3. To produce research that can be utilized as a form of dedication and service to improve people’s life quality
  4. To build trust and develop cooperation with national, regional and international institutions


Program Outcomes dan Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Muslim doctor with superior competency in Hajj medicine (Good Muslim Doctor which emphasized on Hajj Medicine)
  1. Able to apply biomedical, clinical, preventive, social humanities, Islamic and Indonesian knowledge in managing individual, family and community health problems in a comprehensive, holistic, integrated and sustainable manner in the context of primary health services and/or Hajj medicine
  2. Able to internalize the professionalism of a Muslim doctor and become a role model in society
  3. Able to carry out clinical and non-clinical procedures related to Hajj health and medical issues by applying the principles of istitha'ah, and the safety of patients, themselves and others based on the rules of Islamic law
Academics (educators/researchers)
  1. Able to develop scientific knowledge in understanding medical and health phenomena in individuals, families, communities and society for human welfare and safety, as well as advances in science in the fields of medicine and health that pay attention to inter/multidisciplinary, innovative and tested studies.
  2. Able to determine the religious moral foundation in the development/research of medical science and technology as well as provide enlightenment in increasing faith and piety through the study of the latest medical science and technology.
  3. Able to apply a critical attitude in reviewing scientific work and developing knowledge in the context of lifelong learning
  4. Able to demonstrate logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​and Islamic values ​​in the field of medicine.
  5. Able to demonstrate information literacy and media literacy skills as well as utilize information and communication technology in the development of the academic world and world of work using Indonesian and foreign languages.
  1. Able to apply the concepts of effective communication, empathetic communication and advocacy in dealing with individual, family and community health problems with biopsychosociocultural and spiritual aspects.
  2. Able to internalize the principles of Islamic communication, namely: Qaulan Sadida (true words), Qaulan Baligha (effective), Qaulan Ma'rufa (using good words), Qaulan Karima (noble), Qaulan Layina (gentle), Qaulan Maisura ( easy to understand).
  3. Able to demonstrate how to convey health-related information (including bad news, informed consent) and counseling according to Islamic communication principles   
  4. Able to demonstrate procedures for providing relevant information regarding legal and ethical aspects of medicine by paying attention to the biopsychosociocultural and spiritual aspects of the communicant.
Professional leader
  1. Able to apply the principles of collaboration and leadership in carrying out roles and responsibilities as a Muslim doctor
  2. Able to internalize an Islamic responsible and professional attitude towards work in the medical field independently and in groups.
  3. Able to internalize the process of self-reflection and feedback, for the development of individual and group potential
  4. Able to manage health problems through collaboration and cooperation with colleagues in the same profession, interprofessional health and other professions based on Islamic values, roles and responsibilities
  5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the development of the health sector based on the results of information and data analysis by considering Islamic and Indonesian values.
Agent of change and community mobiliser
  1. Able to analyze problems and principles of problem solving related to health at the individual, family and community levels
  2. Become a driving force in Indonesia's health development in accordance with Islamic principles through polite communication and sensitivity to community values.
  3. Able to internalize the suitability of his attitudes and actions as an agent of change
  4. Able to design alternative solutions to health problems, and implement them by taking into account advances in medical and health science and technology, as well as inter/multidisciplinary, innovative and tested studies.
Handbook of Curriculum
More info : Link
Dr. dr. Achmad Zaki, M.Epid, Sp.OT
NIP/NIDN 197805072005011005
Field of science Orthopedics
Email achmad.zaki@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57886388300
Sinta ID 6010984

Dr. dr. Ahmad Azwar Habibi, M. Biomed.
NIP/NIDN 197612092006042003
Field of science Biomedical science
Email ahmad.habibi@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57886388200
Sinta ID 6021192

Alfiah, M.Ag
NIP/NIDN 197212172003122001
Filed of science Islamic thought
Email alfiah@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6805909

dr. Bisatyo Mardjikoen, Sp.OT
NIP/NIDN 196608131991031003
Filed of science orthopedics
Email bisatyo@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57216896313
Sinta ID -

Chris Adhiyanto, M. Biomed, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 196905112003121001
Filed of science Biomedical science
Email chrisbiomed@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 6507604294
Sinta ID 6024266

dr. Devy Ariany, M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 197304052011012002
Filed of science Biomedical science
Email devy.ariany@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57885693000
Sinta ID 6747617

dr. Dwi Tyastuti, S.Ked., MPH, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197207172005012003
Filed of science Medical science
Email dwityastuti@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 56304158300
Sinta ID 5984184

Dr. Endah Wulandari, S.Si., M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 197110092005012005
Filed of science Biomedical science
Email endah.wulandari@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 55573167700
Sinta ID 5984361

Dr. dr. Erike Anggraini Suwarsono, M.Pd., Sp.M.K
NIP/NIDN 198109262011012007
Filed of science Clinical microbiology
Email erike.suwarsono@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57218531962
Sinta ID 6066658

Dr. dr. Fika Ekayanti, M.Med.Ed
NIP/NIDN 197901302006042001
Filed of science Community Medicine
Email fika.ekayanti@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 56303935200
Sinta ID 5992074

dr. Flori Ratna Sari, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197707272006042001
Filed of science Pharmacology
Email florirsari@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 36455410900
Sinta ID 5979032

dr. Hiro Putra Faisal, MT
NIP/NIDN 198503052018011
Filed of science Medical Science
Email hiro.faisal@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 58019319500
Sinta ID 6814500

drg. Laifa Annisa Hendarmin, PhD
NIP/NIDN 197804022009012003
Filed of science Dental Science
Email laifa@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 8560333500
Sinta ID 6026096

dr. Marita Fadhilah, Dr. Med. Sc
NIP/NIDN 197803142006042001
Filed of science Community Medicine
Email marita.fadhilah@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 58259172800
Sinta ID 6003998

dr. Muniroh, SpPK
NIP/NIDN 197703262009012005
Filed of science Clinical Pathology
Email dr.muniroh@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57886621000
Sinta ID 6805549

dr. Nida Farida SpM
NIP/NIDN 196506021991022002
Filed of science Eye Disease Science
Email nida.farida@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6873310

dr. Nouval Shahab, SpU., PhD., FICS., FACS
NIP/NIDN 197211032006041001
Filed of science urology
Email nouvalshahab@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 35146839300
Sinta ID 6084976

Nurlaely Mida Rachmawati, S.Si, M.Biomed.,MD
NIP/NIDN 196711192005012001
Filed of science biochemistry
Email nurlaely_pspd@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 55596004600
Sinta ID -

dr. Nurmila Sari, M.Kes
NIP/NIDN 198503152011012010
Filed of science anatomy
Email nurmila.sari@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6870683

dr. Nurul Hiedayati, PhD
NIP/NIDN 197102282008012014
Filed of science Pharmacology
Email nurul.hiedayati@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 10839988000
Sinta ID -

Rr. Ayu Fitri Hapsari, S.Si., M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 197204062003122005
Filed of science Histology
Email fitri.hapsari@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57221531994
Sinta ID 6758100

Prof. Dr. dr. H. Sardjana, Sp.OG(K),SH
NIP/NIDN 196104161987091001
Filed of science Obsgyn
Email sardjana@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6758098

dr. Sayid Ridho, SpPD
NIP/NIDN 196606291998031001
Filed of science Internal Medicine
Email sayid.ridho@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6765899

dr. Siti Nur Aisyah Jauharoh, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN 197701022005012007
Filed of science Medical Science
Email sinurajauharoh@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 36666503600
Sinta ID 6021528

Dr. dr. Syarief Hasan Lutfie, Sp.KFR, MARS
NIP/NIDN 196209201990031002
Filed of science Medical Rehabilitation
Email syarief.hasan@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 58018903900
Sinta ID 6873265

Dr. dr. Witri Ardini, M.Gizi., SpGK
NIP/NIDN 197110232011012003
Filed of science Nutritional Science
Email witri.ardini@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6021874

dr. Yanti Susianti, Sp.A.(K)
NIP/NIDN 197205302005012007
Filed of science Pediatrics
Email yanti.susianti@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57218604568
Sinta ID 6855602

Yuliati, S.Si., M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 196909152008012022
Filed of science Microbiology
Email yuliati@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6805677

Nurin Nadzifatil Fitriyah, M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 198905092020122010
Filed of science Biomedical Science
Email nurin.n.fitriyah@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57195528267
Sinta ID 6696975

Dianidya Kumandang Sari, S.KH., M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 199111182020122015
Filed of science Biomedical Science
Email nidyaks@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6855641

Dianidya Kumandang Sari, S.KH., M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 199111182020122015
Filed of science Biomedical Science
Email nidyaks@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID 6855641

Silvia Fitrina Nasution, S. Si., M. Biomed
NIP/NIDN 196905112023212002
Filed of science Biomedical Science
Email silvia.nasution@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 58019881400
Sinta ID 6805650

Dr. Zeti Harriyati, M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 197406202023212006
Filed of science Biomedical Science
Email zeti.h@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57224479053
Sinta ID 6808934

dr. Wahyu Sigit Purnomo, Sp.THT-KL
Filed of science ENT specialist
Email wahyu.sigit@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID -

Auliyani Andam Suri, M.Biomed
NIP/NIDN 199004242023212048
Filed of science Biomedical Science
Email auliyani.andam@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 58019737900
Sinta ID 6775303

dr. Rizki Zuchri, Sp.B
Filed of science Surgery
Email rizki.zuchri@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID -

dr. Puput Arum Christanti, Sp.OG
Filed of science Obsgyn
Email puput.arum@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID -

dr. Bimo Aryo Tejo, Sp.DVE
Filed of science Dermatologist
Email dr.bimo.aryo@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID -
Sinta ID -

Dr. dr. Mukhtar Ikhsan, SpP(K).,MARS
Filed of science Pulmonology
Email mukhtar.ikhsan@uinjkt.ac.id
Scopus ID 57197752719
Sinta ID 6058836



The Faculty of Medicine Laboratory is an educational laboratory that is used for various practicum, research and student research activities. There are various types of equipment available that are very supportive for practicum. With fairly complete equipment in this educational laboratory, each student can use the equipment during the practicum. This laboratory has a very spacious area, so students will be very comfortable when taking part in practicums. Apart from that, various types of safety equipment are also available, so that students who are carrying out practicums in the laboratory will feel safe and comfortable.


The library is the heart of higher education and functions to support the academic movement and dynamics of higher education. Libraries are tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes. The Medical Faculty Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. To date, the library has a print and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, etc. The fields of medicine and health sciences and Islam. In addition, to meet information needs, the Faculty of Medicine library provides computers equipped with cable and Wi-Fi internet services.