About Faculty of Medicine


2022. On December 30 2002, the Senate session of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta submitted a recommendation for the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK). The preparation of proposals for four study programs under FKIK has begun, namely the Medical Education, Public Health, Pharmacy and Nursing Science Study Programs. The pioneers who took part in the plan to open the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta were Prof. Dr. Sularto (late), Prof. Dr. Achmad Sofyan, Dr. Utarini, Prof. Dr. M.K. Tadjudin (late), dr. Arlis Sularto, Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, MA., Prof. Dr. Suwito, MA., Prof. Dr. Abuddin Nata, MA., Prof. Dr. Does Sampoerno, Drs. H. Achmad Gholib, M.A., Drs. H. Abdul Shomad, dr. Jaharii and others. The team that prepared the proposal to establish FKIK was chaired by Prof. Dr. M.K. Tadjudin, Sp. And. (Alm) from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, who also served as Faculty Supervisor.

2004. On March 12 2004, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta added one faculty, namely FKIK. The Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) was established on the basis of the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Dirjen Dikti) No. 1356/D/T/2005 dated 10 May 2005 and the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutions, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia No. DJII/123/2005 dated 17 May 2005. The extension of the study program has also been carried out with the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education, Department of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia No Dj.I/410/2007 which was issued taking into account the recommendation letter of the Director General of Higher Education No 2757/D/T/2007 dated 14 September 2007. PSPD has had BAN-PT accreditation with C accreditation results since 2010 and B accreditation since 2013.

2015. On April 29 2015, the Chancellor appointed a Team for the Formation of the Faculty of Medicine at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta through Chancellor's Decree Number 320 of 2015. The team was chaired by Dr. Hari Hendarto, Ph.D, SpPD-KEMD, and consisting of 7 medical education lecturers, namely dr. Femmy Nurul Akbar, SpPD-KGEH, dr. Fika Ekayanti, DKK, M.Med.Ed, dr. Achmad Zaki, M. Epid, SpOT, dr. Risahmawati, Dr. MedSc, dr. Flori Ratna Sari, Ph.D, dr. Mukhtar Ikhsan, SpP(K), and drg. Laifa Hendarmin, Ph.D. This team was formed in the context of expanding FKIK into the Faculty of Medicine (FK) and the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES). The expansion of the Faculty was carried out with consideration of the mandate of Law Number 20 of 2013 concerning Medical Education article 6 regarding the obligation to establish a Medical Faculty no later than 5 years after the Law was promulgated (maximum 6 August 2018), as well as Indonesian Medical Council Regulation No. 10 of 2012 concerning Indonesian Medical Professional Education Standards, so that the Medical Study Program and the Medical Profession is absolutely necessary to develop itself from a study program to become a Faculty.

The team held its first audience with the Director General of Higher Education Institutions in 2015, who stated that UIN as a work unit under the Ministry of Religion does not need a recommendation from Dikti, but recommendations are needed directly from the Ministry of Religion to the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform in order to obtain approval for organizational and governance changes. University work with the addition of new faculties. Furthermore, the Academic Paper for the expansion of FKIK into the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences was prepared.

In June 2015, the Academic Text document for the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine along with the accompanying attachments was submitted by the team to the University. The process at the University lasted for 6 months because apart from FK, several other study programs were also proposed for expansion into separate faculties. In December 2015, the University Senate issued recommendations as a basis for submissions to the Ministry of Religion for organizational changes to work procedures for several new faculties.

2016. The process at the Ministry of Religion is quite long. After 8 months of processing, on August 10 2016, the Chancellor together with the Medical Faculty Establishment team held a meeting with the Head of the Institutional Bureau of the Ministry of Religion to speed up the submission of the process to the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform.

On September 28 2016, the documents were submitted to the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform and after the documents were complete, the process at the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform began running at the end of December 2016. On May 30 2017, the FK formation team held an audience with the Minister of PAN-RB to convey the importance of separating Faculties into Faculties. Medicine for UIN Jakarta.

2017. The separation team is still following the Faculty separation process by holding an audience with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion, Prof. Nursyam on September 18 2017. After that, there were several meetings to discuss the formation of FK at the Ministry of Religion between the Rectorate and FKIK around November-December 2017.

2018. On January 15 2018, the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Religion Regulation Number 1 of 2018 was issued by the Minister of Religion concerning the Second Amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Religion Number 6 of 2013 concerning

Organization and Work Procedures of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta with separation of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health Sciences.

On February 27 2018, dr. Hari Hendarto, Ph.D, SpPD-KEMD was appointed as dean of the Faculty of Medicine at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah and began serving on March 1 2018. Other structural members began serving on April 1 2018. Since then, the Faculty of Medicine has become independent and consists of 2 study programs, namely the Medical Study Program and the Medical Professional Education Study Program.